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#106 30-09-2020 20:52:17

From: D.A. Garden
Registered: 06-10-2019
Posts: 656
AndroidMicrosoft Edge 45.08

Re: Song of the day

Things should change, or they shall stop and return to phases never forgotten but weakly perceptible. Changes happen and hurt, insanity calls anxiety on the phone. Resisting all of that to live in the past - utterly pointless as one will get itself to the point where feelings get numb. Memories get re-lived repeatedly to the point where it's not perceived as past anymore.

... now;
It's who you are, watered down version of your long-gotten emotions and experiences.
Truly pathetic; You can tell years when and what happened.
And that doesn't mean a s#it to you, because of constant trying to re-live those past emotions, losing yourself in the process.

Go ahead and make everything just facts.

- I'm sure those who somehow still stand to you will love your highlighted facts.

Blue - Breathe Easy


#107 12-10-2020 20:47:24

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 86.0

Re: Song of the day

Halsey - I'm Not Mad

Ren wrote:

Things should change, or they shall stop and return to phases never forgotten but weakly perceptible. Changes happen and hurt, insanity calls anxiety on the phone. Resisting all of that to live in the past - utterly pointless as one will get itself to the point where feelings get numb. Memories get re-lived again and again to the point where it's not perceived as past anymore.

... now;
It's who you are, watered down version of your long gotten emotions and experiences.
Truly pathetic; You can tell years when and what happened;
And that doesn't mean a s#it to you, because of constant trying to re-live those past emotions, losing yourself in the process.

Go ahead and make everything just facts.

- I'm sure those who somehow still stand to you will love your highlighted facts.

I remember myself listening to this song.


This is deep...

Lasot jebkāda veida tekstu katrs cilvēks sapratīs un izjutīs savādāk, kā arī atradīs tajā ko savu un, visticamā, kaut ko atšķirīgu no otra. Nu vai arī nesaskatīs tajā neko un paies garām.
Lasot šo (i am not sure is it you who wrote it or seems like yours tho), es aizdomājos par tiem momentiem, kad biju iestrēgusi vai nu pagātnē vai arī neeksistējošā paralēlā nenoteiktā telpā un laikā. Abos gadījumos tu peldi pa emocijām, grimsti tajās, smoc vai arī centies tās izdzīvot vēl, atgriezties tur un tad. But it doesnt work that way. Jau tas, kas bija 1min atpakaļ ir pagātne. Un tev ir jābūt te un tagad. Jārada jaunas emocijas. You have to learn from past, but not try to live in it.
Varbūt es sapratu visu pa tādas pārdomas man radās.

Last edited by minD (12-10-2020 21:00:33)


#108 27-10-2020 20:14:11

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 86.0

Re: Song of the day

Last days this one is on repeat again and again. in loveeee

Zivert x NILETTO - Fly 2

Last edited by minD (27-10-2020 20:14:26)


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#109 14-11-2020 16:36:49

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 86.0

Re: Song of the day

what's up with me and russian songs lately? oh well...

Мари Краймбрери - Он тоже любит дым


#110 29-12-2020 14:59:22

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 87.0

Re: Song of the day

...used to be my obsession a little while ago...
and yes, i wanted to learn how to play it as well lol
i do not like the original of this song...but somehow i love guitar version...have no idea why hehe ^^

YUNGBLUD - cotton candy (the morning after)


#111 30-12-2020 13:32:25

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 87.0

Re: Song of the day

All Time Low: Monsters (feat. Demi Lovato and blackbear) … mb_rel_end

this is a yes ph


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#112 31-12-2020 14:00:59

From: D.A. Garden
Registered: 06-10-2019
Posts: 656
Windows 10Microsoft Edge 87.0

Re: Song of the day

minD wrote:
Ren wrote:

Scatman John, Lou Bega – Scatman & Hatman (Official Music Video)

Nemaz neprasi

Ren wrote:

Labi!  Nejautāšu.

Sākumā bija tāds...whaaaat? lol un pēc piedziedājuma "ooohhhhh....oky" lol piii papapapapa do lol

I just have to be honest... lol
Will you recognize game/games? tongue

NILETTO - Любимка

minD wrote:
Ren wrote:

Scatman John, Lou Bega – Scatman & Hatman (Official Music Video)

Nemaz neprasi

Ren wrote:

Labi!  Nejautāšu.

Sākumā bija tāds...whaaaat? lol un pēc piedziedājuma "ooohhhhh....oky" lol piii papapapapa do lol

I just have to be honest... lol
Will you recognize game/games? tongue

NILETTO - Любимка

Tas brīdis, kad citēju ierakstu, kas veikts 5 mēneši atpakaļ, pēdējo, uz kuru nesniedzu atbildi. /Boo intensifies/ lol

Es visu klipa laiku domāju, kāda spēle?
Es līdz pat 2:20 mēģināju saprast  - viss noformējums kaut kādu spēli imitē or what?
Bet, tad 2:20 parādījās Contra [NES], 1988., un, es sapratu - visdŗizāk tu jautāji par šo dry happy
Yes, yes, atpazinu. 90's Contru spēlēja, manuprāt, katrs Russian boy  xd


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#113 05-01-2021 13:39:45

From: D.A. Garden
Registered: 06-10-2019
Posts: 656
Windows 10Microsoft Edge 87.0

Re: Song of the day

minD wrote:

Somehow i like it...maybe lyrics, maybe vibe...maybe both tongue

Trevor Daniel, Selena Gomez - Past Life

Vasarīgas,, vēlas pēcpusdienas, pēc padarītiem darbiem, vaibs.
Gluži kā datums, kurā šo ieliki (t.i. 4. jūlijs) lol

Added later 01 min 28 s:

minD wrote:

Jennifer Paige - Crush (HQ)

sha la-la-la tongue

Man pat nebija jāslēdz, es jau dejoju līdzi, lol. xd 💃🕺
Ideāli big_smile

Added later 06 min 04 s:

minD wrote:

Ariana Grande - Touch It

...when you wanna go craYcraY_zy, but your mood is drinking depresso with melanchola flavor [.] ~oh well

Added later 04 min 06 s:

Ren wrote:

Oh yeah, this sounds like something you would listen to.
Not my cup of tea...all those Madonna vibes, ya know.  *hides*

Interesanti, vai atceries, kāpēc bija depresso.... Labāk neatcerēties, delete negative thoughts big_smile
Nezināju, ka mazajai ir arī šāda tipa dziesmas. Skan labi! Uz beigām pat sāka rasties doma, ka varēt vēl ieslēgt. tongue

Added later 14 min 27 s:

minD wrote:

Teddy Swims - Someone You Loved (Lewis Capaldi Cover)

Man vienmēr patika šī dziesma, bet viņa neizraisīja īpašas emocijas, bet šis cover... cry it's amazing (for me)...

Wow, tik līdzīgas balsis!
Pret šo dziesmu man vienmēr bijušas neitrālas jūtas, bet šī versija šķiet interesantāka, foršāka

Added later 19 min 12 s:

minD wrote:

Ёлка - Из окон

lately velk uz russian šāda tipa songiem. *hides*

Dziesma ļoti patika, approve;
Tomēr, cerams, ka uz šādām dziesmām vairs nevilks, lai cik tās būtu labas. smile ohyeah

Added later 32 min 53 s:

minD wrote:

Halsey - I'm Not Mad

Ren wrote:

Things should change, or they shall stop and return to phases never forgotten but weakly perceptible. Changes happen and hurt, insanity calls anxiety on the phone. Resisting all of that to live in the past - utterly pointless as one will get itself to the point where feelings get numb. Memories get re-lived again and again to the point where it's not perceived as past anymore.

... now;
It's who you are, watered down version of your long gotten emotions and experiences.
Truly pathetic; You can tell years when and what happened;
And that doesn't mean a s#it to you, because of constant trying to re-live those past emotions, losing yourself in the process.

Go ahead and make everything just facts.

- I'm sure those who somehow still stand to you will love your highlighted facts.

I remember myself listening to this song.


This is deep...

Lasot jebkāda veida tekstu katrs cilvēks sapratīs un izjutīs savādāk, kā arī atradīs tajā ko savu un, visticamā, kaut ko atšķirīgu no otra. Nu vai arī nesaskatīs tajā neko un paies garām.
Lasot šo (i am not sure is it you who wrote it or seems like yours tho), es aizdomājos par tiem momentiem, kad biju iestrēgusi vai nu pagātnē vai arī neeksistējošā paralēlā nenoteiktā telpā un laikā. Abos gadījumos tu peldi pa emocijām, grimsti tajās, smoc vai arī centies tās izdzīvot vēl, atgriezties tur un tad. But it doesnt work that way. Jau tas, kas bija 1min atpakaļ ir pagātne. Un tev ir jābūt te un tagad. Jārada jaunas emocijas. You have to learn from past, but not try to live in it.
Varbūt es sapratu visu pa tādas pārdomas man radās.

Ieslēdzu dziesmu,
Slikta doma bija dzert pienu, klausoties šo sadaļu,
Pirmajās 10 dziesmas sekundēs aizrijos. Pirmā dziesma dzīvē, kuru klausoties, uztvēru kā persoņaļ attak. w00t confused xd

Jā, tas sad teksts bija mans, tajā laikā par kaut ko biju sacepies un nomākts. Gadās bored
Tu ideāli uztvēri manu domu gājienu,  sleep duhuh
Jādodas tik uz priekšu.

Added later 47 min 48 s:

minD wrote:

Last days this one is on repeat again and again. in loveeee

Zivert x NILETTO - Fly 2

Nezinu, kurā brīdī tev iepatikās NILETTO, bet, I approve - paldies, ka parādīji man viņu.  dry

Added later 1 h 17 min 37 s:

minD wrote:

what's up with me and russian songs lately? oh well...

Мари Краймбрери - Он тоже любит дым

Kamēr klausies RU, tikmēr vēl viss tiek kontrolēts.
Ja tu sāktu likt LV dziesmas, tad gan sāktos WW3 lol 😅

Added later 1 h 24 min 58 s:

minD wrote:

...used to be my obsession a little while ago...
and yes, i wanted to learn how to play it as well lol
i do not like the original of this song...but somehow i love guitar version...have no idea why hehe ^^

YUNGBLUD - cotton candy (the morning after)

Izklausās pēc dziesmas, kura, oriģinālā visdrīzāk, ir ar lielu skaitu instrumentu - klubu mūzika, bet kura, patiesībā, labāk izklausās ar ģitāru kā galveno instrumentu. Vai es uzminēju, ka oriģinālā standarta pop-klubņiks? big_smile
Šajā izpildījumā brāzmo pēc kādas mierīgas The Rasmus dziesmas.

Žēl, ka attiecības ar tavu BF neturpinājās. He was too agressive? cry

Added later 1 h 31 min 17 s:

minD wrote:

All Time Low: Monsters (feat. Demi Lovato and blackbear) … mb_rel_end

this is a yes ph

Nospiedu 'Patīk' visur, kur varēju. Animācija it īpaši labi izceļ dziesmu. *smirk, smirk*


#114 05-01-2021 15:15:03

From: D.A. Garden
Registered: 06-10-2019
Posts: 656
Windows 10Microsoft Edge 87.0

Re: Song of the day

Nevaru beigt skatīties un klausīties šo klipu
Oriģināls tik un tā dzīvo manā sirdī, bet, šis ir 180 grādi tam, lai gan lirikas un dziesma tā pati. xd lol

Ivan Dorn - Love Could Be (Official Lyric Video)


#115 19-01-2021 19:17:20

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 87.0

Re: Song of the day

B.o.B - Airplanes (feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore)

for a long time i didn't hear this song...and now it brings back so many memories...memories of something i couldn't get something you want and just when you are about to get slips away...a waste of time? was a story, it was a was a period of time.

Last edited by minD (19-01-2021 19:19:36)


#116 27-01-2021 15:42:48

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 87.0

Re: Song of the day

Ren wrote:

Nevaru beigt skatīties un klausīties šo klipu
Oriģināls tik un tā dzīvo manā sirdī, bet, šis ir 180 grādi tam, lai gan lirikas un dziesma tā pati. xd lol

Ivan Dorn - Love Could Be (Official Lyric Video)

Nu ļoti nepierasti šo dziesmu dzirdēt in ENG...un skan ar kkā savādāk uzreiz.
I like the original better. ^^


MOD SUN - Flames (Feat. Avril Lavigne)

Unexpected, ka Avrilai jauna dziesma...un unexpected, ka man iepatikās arī citas MOD SUN dziesmas....yessss xD

Added later 02 min 35 s:

Ren wrote:

Vai es uzminēju, ka oriģinālā standarta pop-klubņiks?

HMMM...not sure...kinda...pop rockish? not totally klubņ's not his style.

Last edited by minD (27-01-2021 15:43:21)


#117 05-02-2021 23:53:18

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 88.0

Re: Song of the day

...i guess it's time...time that you...break up with your [gf], coz i'm bored.

Ariana Grande - break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored


Ariana Grande - no tears left to cry

...b-coz настроение "Right now, I'm in a state of mind I wanna be in like all the time".

Last edited by minD (20-02-2021 17:01:41)


#118 19-02-2021 12:26:27

From: D.A. Garden
Registered: 06-10-2019
Posts: 656
AndroidChrome 83.0

Re: Song of the day

minD wrote:

B.o.B - Airplanes (feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore)

for a long time i didn't hear this song...and now it brings back so many memories...memories of something i couldn't get something you want and just when you are about to get slips away...a waste of time? was a story, it was a was a period of time.

Tiešām sen nedzirdēta, tiešām memories in front of eyes sliding across.

Šodienas dziesma... Ba-dum-tss

МУСОР - Кого-то еще

Added later 3 h 15 min 16 s:
False info, šīsdienas dziesma, noteikti, ir šī.
Es nevaru beigt klausīties, haha.😅😂 ashame

minD wrote:

Jennifer Paige - Crush (HQ)

sha la-la-la tongue


#119 20-02-2021 17:14:55

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 88.0

Re: Song of the day

Nessa Barrett - la di die

Ren wrote:

МУСОР - Кого-то еще

Pievienots pēc 3 h 15 min 16 s:
False info, šīsdienas dziesma, noteikti, ir šī.
Es nevaru beigt klausīties, haha.😅😂

es pat noklausījos xD


#120 24-02-2021 11:57:39

Registered: 16-10-2019
Posts: 627
Windows 10Chrome 88.0

Re: Song of the day

Could i ever imagine that my favorite band would sing a cover of one of my favorite songs? Nope.
Not at all. And now i am so happy. Like wow. The message of the song fits so good, b-coz of the BTS and their wish to "fix" and help ARMY in this hard period of time.

BTS Performs 'Fix You' (Coldplay Cover) | MTV Unplugged


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